PURPOSE - 7_StreambankManual0021FUNDAMENTALS OF FLUVIAL GEOMORPHOLOGY AND CHANNEL PROCESSES - 7_StreambankManual0022Figure 2.1 The Fluvial System (after Schumm, 1977)The System is Dynamic - 7_StreambankManual0024Thresholds - 7_StreambankManual0025LANDFORMS - 7_StreambankManual0026Figure 2.2 Landforms for a Meandering RiverTable 2.1 Classification of Valley SedimentsRIVER MECHANICSChannel PatternFigure 2.3 Typical Meandering RiverFigure 2.5 Features Associated With (a) Straight and (b) Meandering RiversFigure 2.6 Typical Plan and Cross Sectional View of Pools and CrossingsPlanform Geometry - 7_StreambankManual0034Figure 2.7 Typical Middle BarFigure 2.9 Definition Sketch for Channel GeometryRELATIONSHIPS IN RIVERS - 7_StreambankManual0037Figure 2.10 Lane's (1957) Relationship Between Channel Patterns, Channel Gradient, and Mean DischargeRELATIONSHIPS IN RIVERS (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0039CHANNEL CLASSIFICATION - 7_StreambankManual0040CHANNEL CLASSIFICATION (cont.)Table 2.2 Classification of Alluvial ChannelsFigure 2.12 Channel Classification Based on Pattern and Type of Sediment LoadTable 2.3 Summary of Delineative Criteria for Broad-level ClassificationCHANNEL STABILITY CONCEPTS - 7_StreambankManual0045Figure 2.13 Channel Classification Combining Aspects of SchummTHE STABLE CHANNELFigure 2.14 Lane's BalanceCauses of System Instability - 7_StreambankManual0049Figure 2.15 Consequences of System InstabilityFigure 2.15 (cont.) Consequences of System InstabilityDownstream FactorsFigure 2.16 Channelized Stream and Abandoned Old ChannelFigure 2.18 Knickzone in a Degrading ChannelUpstream Factors - 7_StreambankManual0055Basin Wide Factors - 7_StreambankManual0056Complexities and Multiple FactorsLOCAL INSTABILITY - 7_StreambankManual0058Streambank Erosion and Failure Processes - 7_StreambankManual0059Figure 2.19 Erosion Generated by Parallel FlowFigure 2.21 Erosion Generated by PipingFigure 2.23 Sheet Erosion with Rilling and GullyingFigure 2.25 Erosion Generated by Vessel ForcesStreambank Erosion and Failure Processes (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0064Streambank Erosion and Failure Processes (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0065Figure 2.26 Soil FallFigure 2.28 Slab FailureFigure 2.30 Pop-out FailureFigure 2.32 Dry Granular FlowFigure 2.34 Cattle TramplingStreambank Erosion and Failure Processes (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0071Streambank Erosion and Failure Processes (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0072GEOMORPHIC ASSESSMENT OF CHANNEL SYSTEMSDATA ASSEMBLYFIELD INVESTIGATION - 7_StreambankManual0076Field Equipment for Stream ReconnaissanceMeasuring Tape with Survey Pins and Flagging TapeGeological Hammer and Rock Identification Charts8mm Video CameraWhat to Look For in the FieldChannel GeometryFigure 3.1 The Formation of Berms Can Indicate a Tendency for the Channel to Re-establish Stability Following a Period of Morphological ChangeVegetationCHANNEL STABILITY ASSESSMENTFigure 3.3 Specific Gage Plot for Red River at Index, ArkansasComparative Surveys and MappingFigure 3.4 Comparative Thalweg ProfilesEmpirical Methods for Stable Channel DesignSummary of Empirical Channel Design MethodsIntegration of ResultsGENERAL APPROACH TO BANK STABILIZATIONCONSIDERATION OF AVAILABLE ALTERNATIVESRIVER BASIN MANAGEMENTReservoirs - 7_StreambankManual0095BED STABILIZATIONRELOCATION OF ENDANGERED FACILITY OR STREAM CHANNELNON-STRUCTURAL SOLUTIONSLEGAL AND REGULATORY MATTERSBROAD ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUESOpportunities and HazardsECONOMIC CONSTRAINTSSELECTION OF SITE-SPECIFIC STABILIZATION TECHNIQUESEFFECTIVENESS OF ALTERNATIVE APPROACHESRequired Project LifespanMaintenance Requirements and CapabilityDebris LoadsCorrosion and AbrasionOther HazardsOther Hazards (cont.)ADJUSTMENT TO BED SCOUR AND/OR BANK SUBSIDENCEFORESHORE LIMITATIONSIMPACT ON FLOWLINESLow FlowsIMPACT ON EROSION UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAMENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS - 7_StreambankManual0117Aquatic Wildlife HabitatAquatic Wildlife Habitat (cont.)Terrestrial Wildlife HabitatENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVESPreserve or Improve Wildlife HabitatPreserve or Improve Wildlife Habitat (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0123Preserve or Improve Wildlife Habitat (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0124Avoid Disturbance of Endangered Fish and WildlifePreserve Natural AestheticsPreserve Cultural ResourcesCOST OF ALTERNATIVE TECHNIQUESAVAILABLE RESOURCESLabor, MaterialsFEASIBILITY OF INCREMENTAL CONSTRUCTIONHorizontal IncrementsAPPLICATIONTable 5.1 General Matrix for Selection of Erosion Protection MethodTable 5.2 Example of Very Simple Environmental Sub-matrixAPPLICATION (cont.)GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF EROSION PROTECTIONUPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM LIMITS OF WORKPrediction of Channel MigrationFigure 6.1 Classic Planforms for Straight and Sinuous ChannelsFigure 6.2 Effects of Varying Bed and Bank Materials on Planform CharacteristicsMinimum Length of ProtectionFigure 6.3 Upstream and Downstream Limits of Bank Protection for a Sinuous and Straight ChannelOther Considerations - 7_StreambankManual0145Special Considerations for Braided StreamsCHANNEL ALIGNMENTPossible ExceptionsHYDRAULICSTRACTIVE FORCE AND PERMISSIBLE VELOCITYVARIATIONS IN RIVER STAGEFigure 6.4 Top Elevation of ProtectionStage DurationType of Protection and Slope of the BankWAVE, VESSEL, AND ICE FORCESTOE PROTECTIONSPECIFIC GUIDANCE FOR VARIOUS TECHNIQUESDikes - 7_StreambankManual0158Retards - 7_StreambankManual0159Vegetative Bank ProtectionSURFACE DRAINAGEMANUFACTURERS' RECOMMENDATIONSFigure 6.5 Construction of Berm or Levee to Control Overbank DrainageSAFETY FACTORSAFETY FACTOR (cont.)SURFACE ARMOR FOR EROSION PROTECTIONSTONE ARMOR - 7_StreambankManual0167RIPRAP BLANKETFigure 7.1 Typical Cross Section of a Trenchfill RevetmentTypical ApplicationDesign Considerations - 7_StreambankManual0171WINDROWFigure 7.3 Schematic Diagram of Windrow RevetmentFigure 7.4 Conventional Windrow Placed on Top BankFigure 7.6 Launched Windrow RockTypical Applications - 7_StreambankManual0176LONGITUDINAL STONE TOETypical Applications - 7_StreambankManual0178Figure 7.7 Typical Longitudinal Peaked Stone Toe ProtectionFigure 7.8 Typical Longitudinal Peaked Stone Toe Protection With TiebacksOTHER SELF-ADJUSTING ARMORFigure 7.9 Longitudinal Peaked Stone Toe Protection In Combination With Willow Post Upper Bank ProtectionFigure 7.10 Longitudinal Stone Fill Toe Protection Placed Adjacent to Bank With TiebacksCONCRETE BLOCKS - 7_StreambankManual0184Typical Applications - 7_StreambankManual0185Design Considerations - 7_StreambankManual0186SOIL-CEMENT BLOCKSFigure 7.12 Typical Sack RevetmentAdvantages, DisadvantagesRUBBLE FROM DEMOLITIONSLAG FROM STEEL FURNACESAUTOMOBILE BODIESRIGID ARMOR - 7_StreambankManual0193ASPHALTGROUTED ARMORFigure 7.13 Typical Soil Cement ApplicationCHEMICAL SOIL STABILIZATIONFLEXIBLE MATTRESSESCONCRETE BLOCK MATTRESSFABRIC MATTRESSGABION MATTRESSDesign Considerations - 7_StreambankManual0202GRID CONFINEMENTUSED-TIRE MATTRESSWOODEN MATTRESSDesign Considerations - 7_StreambankManual0206Design Considerations (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0207INDIRECT TECHNIQUES FOR EROSION PROTECTIONDIKES AND RETARDS - 7_StreambankManual0209DIKES AND RETARDS (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0210DIKES AND RETARDS (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0211DIKES - 7_StreambankManual0212Typical Applications - 7_StreambankManual0213Design Considerations - 7_StreambankManual0214Design Considerations (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0215Design Considerations (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0216Design Considerations (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0217Design Considerations (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0218Design Considerations (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0219Design Considerations (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0220Design Considerations (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0221PERMEABLE DIKESPERMEABLE DIKES (cont.)IMPERMEABLE DIKESFigure 8.1 Typical Permeable DikesIMPERMEABLE DIKES Design ConsiderationsFigure 8.2 Typical Impermeable DikesRETARDS - 7_StreambankManual0228RETARDS (cont.)PERMEABLE RETARDSFigure 8.3 Typical Permeable RetardsIMPERMEABLE RETARDSIOWA VANESBENDWAY WEIRSFigure 8.4 Bendway Weirs on Small StreamsVEGETATIVE METHODS FOR EROSION PROTECTIONADVANTAGESTYPICAL APPLICATIONS - 7_StreambankManual0238TYPICAL APPLICATIONS (cont.)CONSTRUCTION OF STABILIZATION WORKSCOORDINATION OF DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTIONSPECIFICATIONS AND BID ITEMSRESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY RIVER CONDITIONSPRECONSTRUCTION VERIFICATION OF DESIGNSPECIFICATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL PRODUCTSENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS - 7_StreambankManual0246SPECIALIZED CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURESSEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTIONSEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION (cont.)SUBAQUEOUS PLACEMENT OF STONE OR SIMILAR MATERIALSPROCEDURES FOR PROPRIETARY PRODUCTSSITE PREPARATION AND RESTORATIONMONITORING AND MAINTENANCE OF STABILIZATION WORKSCONCEPTSPRIMARY ELEMENTSSite SurveysHydraulic DataFREQUENCY OF MONITORINGPOINTS REQUIRING SPECIAL ATTENTIONLEVELS OF MONITORING EFFORTSDETERMINATION OF NEEDDETERMINATION OF METHOD OF REPAIRDETERMINATION OF METHOD OF REPAIR (cont.)OTHER CONSIDERATIONS - 7_StreambankManual0265GRADE STABILIZATIONDESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR SITING GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURESFigure 12.1 Spacing of Grade Control Structure (adapted from Mussetter, 1982)GEOTECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONSENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS - 7_StreambankManual0270EXISTING STRUCTURESLOCAL SITE CONDITIONSDOWNSTREAM CHANNEL RESPONSE - 7_StreambankManual0273EFFECTS ON TRIBUTARIESSIMPLE BED CONTROL STRUCTURESFigure 12.3 Channel Stabilization with Rock SillsFigure 12.4a As Built Riprap Grade Control Structure with Sufficient Launch Stone to Handle Anticipated ScourFigures 12.5a As Built Riprap Grade Control Structure with Impervious Fill Cutoff WallFigures 12.6a As Built Riprap Grade Control Structure with Sheet Pile Cutoff WallFigure 12.7 Sloping Drop Grade Control Structure with Pre-formed Riprap Lined Scour HoleSTRUCTURES WITH PRE-FORMED SCOUR HOLESFigure 12.8 Bed Stabilizer Design with Sheet Pile CutoffFigure 12.9 ARS-Type Grade Control Structure with Pre-formed Riprap Lined Stilling Basin and Baffle PlateFigure 12.10 Schematic of Modified ARS-Type Grade Control StructureCONCRETE DROP STRUCTURES - 7_StreambankManual0285Figure 12.11 CIT-Type Drop StructureFigure 12.12 St. Anthony Falls (SAF) Type Drop StructureFigure 12.13 Riprap Lined Drop Structures (adapted from Tate, 1991)CLOSING - 7_StreambankManual0290CLOSING (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0291REFERENCES - 7_StreambankManual0292REFERENCES (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0293REFERENCES (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0294REFERENCES (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0295REFERENCES (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0296REFERENCES (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0297REFERENCES (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0298REFERENCES (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0299REFERENCES (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0300REFERENCES (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0301REFERENCES (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0302REFERENCES (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0303REFERENCES (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0304REFERENCES (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0305APPENDIX A. DESIGN PROCEDURE FOR RIPRAP ARMORINTRODUCTION - 7_StreambankManual0308CURRENT RESEARCHRELATION BETWEEN STONE SIZE AND WEIGHTGRADATIONFigure A.1 Riprap Gradation CurvesTable A.1. Gradations for Riprap Placement in the Dry, Low-Turbulence ZonesLAYER THICKNESSCHANNEL CHARACTERISTICSDESIGN GUIDANCE FOR STONE SIZESTONE SIZEFigure A.2a Riprap Design VelocitiesFigure A.2b Riprap Design VelocitiesFigure A.3 Vss/Vavg for Straight Channels Sufficiently Far From (>5w-10w) Upstream BendsFigure A.5 Velocity Distribution in Trapezoidal ChannelFigure A.6 Side Slope Velocity DistributionSTONE SIZE (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0324STONE SIZE (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0325STONE SIZE (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0326Figure A.7 Correction for Side Slope AngleFigure A.8 Correction for Vertical Velocity DistributionExample 1Table A.2 Uniform Flow ComputationsTable A.3 Velocity Estimation and Riprap SizeREVETMENT TOP AND END PROTECTIONFigure A.9 Riprap End ProtectionREVETMENT TOE SCOUR ESTIMATION AND PROTECTIONFigure A.10 Revetment Toe ProtectionREVETMENT TOE PROTECTIONTable A.4 Increase in Stone Volume for Riprap Launching SectionsQUALITY CONTROLREFERENCES - 7_StreambankManual0339REFERENCES (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0340APPENDIX B. BIOENGINEERING FOR STREAMBANK EROSION CONTROLIntroduction - 7_StreambankManual0344Purpose - 7_StreambankManual0345Assets of Using Planted VegetationBioengineering Design ModelFigure 1. Steps of Planning and Implementing a Bioengineering ProjectQuestions to be Developed and AnsweredQuestions to be Developed and Answered (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0350Table 1. Recurrence interval by discharge and duration on upper Missouri RiverQuestions to be Developed and Answered (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0352Plan of DevelopmentEquipment and MaterialsImplementation - 7_StreambankManual0355Hard Structures and BioengineeringFigure 3. Timber cribs serving as deflection structures on the upper Missouri River to direct current away from the bank where there are bioengineering treatmentsFigure 4. Rock refusal used on an upper Missouri River bioengineering projectFigure 5. Bank zones defined on constructed slopesFigure 6. Possible species to plant by zone on the Missouri RiverBioengineering by ZonesBioengineering by Zones (cont.)Bioengineering TreatmentsBioengineering Treatments (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0364Figure 7. Schematics of bioengineering treatment used with a weighted rock toe with vegetation in the form of a brush mattress (to be discussed later) used above it.Figure 8. Photo of weighted rock toe revetment extending up the bank. It extends about 1/3 the distance up the bank.Figure 10. Vegetation in the form of dormant willow posts (discussed later) was placed landward of the rock and haybale toeFigure 12. System of bioengineering treatments such as geotextile coir mats with planted vegetation on them placed above a rock roll toe and between large rock transverse dikesFigure 13. Schematic of gabions used with woody plants to form a hard structure to prevent undercutting and flanking. Can be used in the toe zone or installed higher in the splash and bank zonesFigure 14. Two schematics (two different versions) of a LUNKERS structure designed to provide overhanging shade and protection for fish while serving to stabilize the toe of a streambankBioengineering Treatments (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0372Figure 15. Bank crib with cover log used to protect unstable streambanks while concurrently providing excellent overhead cover for fishFigure 17. Schematic of root wad constructionFigure 18. Installed log revetment with coir geotextile roll combination, Roaring Fork River, ColoradoFigure 19. Schematic of log revetment with coir geotextile roll and plantings on top of backfill soil over a geotextile filterBioengineering Treatments (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0377Figure 21. Schematic of a coir geotextile roll and rocksFigure 23. Coir geotextile rolls are used to stabilize streambanks and permit planting of wetland vegetation within themFigure 24a. Coir geotextile roll being installed along a streambank in GermanyFigure 24c. Coir roll a few months laterBioengineering Treatments (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0382Figure 25a. Emergent aquatic plants in WES greenhouse nursery that were seeded on coir fiber matFigure 25c. Coir geotextile mat in a roll planted with emergent aquatic plants being carried to the planting siteBioengineering Treatments (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0385Figure 26. Schematics of brushmattress and wattling combinationFigure 27a. Laying down the brush (basal end first) into a previously dug trench marked by row of wedge-shaped stakesFigure 27c. Stretching the woven wire tight and securing by wedge-shaped stakesFigure 28. Schematic diagram of brush layeringVegetative geogridFigure 30. Brush layering with willow and dogwood branches after one growing seasonDormant Post MethodFigure 32. Vegetative geogrid during construction on the Upper Truckee River, California, near South Lake TahoeDormant Post Method (cont.)Figure 34. Dormant willow posts, coir geotextile roll, and cedar trees being installed at Court Creek, Illinois, April 1993Figure 36. Use of "The Stinger" to create pilot holes for dormant willow posts on the upper Missouri RiverThere are constraints in using willow posts and several questions to be addressed in the process of planning if this method is consideredDormant CuttingsFigure 37a. 8 inch live cuttings of streamco and bankers willow used to stabilize Irish CreekFigure 37c. Reach of Irish Creek stabilized with cuttings of willowFigure 38. Burlap and coir woven fabric laid over sedge and grass seed, Upper Truckee River, CaliforniaContour WattlingFigure 39a. Schematic of wattling bundle with preparation specificationsFigure 39c. Wattling (fascine) bundle being installed in the bank zoneFigure 40. Schematic illustration of live fascine bundles with coir rope mesh fabric and long straw installed between the bundlesFigure 41. Brush layering with coir woven fabric and long straw under fabricTerrace ZoneFigure 42. Hydroseeding and mulching operation from a bargeVelocities for Design Purposes - 7_StreambankManual0409Table 2. Local flow velocities sustained by and recorded for various bioengineering treatments monitored by this project.Velocities for Design Purposes - 7_StreambankManual0411Plant Acquisition And HandlingPurchasing PlantsAdvantages of Purchasing PlantsAdvantages of Collecting Plants from the WildGrowing PlantsHandling of Plant MaterialsHerbaceous PlantsMonitoring and AftercareDirect Documentation of Erosion ProtectionFigure 44. Aerial monitoring of bioengineering treatmentIndirect Documentation of Erosion ProtectionCosts of BioengineeringTable 3. Comparisons of actual costs of bioengineering treatments with estimated costs of traditional erosion control (riprapped revetment) under similar conditions in same areaMan-hour Costs of Bioengineering TreatmentsTable 4. Man-hour costs of installing wattling and willow cuttings at Lake Tahoe in 1973Man-hour Costs of Standard Vegetation Establishment Techniques to Supplement Bioengineering TreatmentsSprigs, Rootstocks or Plugs, Rhizomes, and TubersSUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONSSUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS (cont.)References - 7_StreambankManual0431References (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0432References (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0433References (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0434References (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual0435References (cont.) - 7_StreambankManual04367_StreambankManual
