NJ) and proceeding in the cross-shore direction (I = 1, NI). The write is repeated
for each grid row from J = NJ-1 to J = 1. The format is (16f6.2). Following the
wave heights, the wave periods are written in the same order with the format
(16f5.1). Then the wave directions are written (again in the same order) with the
format (16i5). If multiple input spectra are specified, the event identifier and the
wave heights, periods, and directions for each condition are appended to the end
of the file.
The default file name for the wave field file is wavfld. In SMS, the file is
specified with a project name and the extension .wav.
Breaker Index Fields
The regions where waves are actively breaking are of interest for sediment
transport and navigation studies. Grid cells with active breaking (see
Equation 12) are specified with an index of 1 and nonbreaking cells with an
index of 0. These indices for the entire domain are written to the file break (or
project.brk in SMS) if the input parameter IBREAK = 1 (see Chapter 3).
Written first in the file are the grid dimensions (NI and NJ) and grid spacing
(DXINC) repeated from the bathymetry input file. After this header line, all the
breaker indices are written, beginning at cell (1, NJ) and proceeding in the cross-
shore direction (I = 1, NI). The write is repeated for each grid row from J = NJ-1
to J = 1. The format is (16i5). If multiple input spectra are specified, the breaker
indices for each condition are appended to the end of the file. No file is written
when the input parameter IBREAK = 0. A partial listing of a sample wave
breaking file is given in Appendix F.
Radiation Stress Gradient Fields
The radiation stress gradients τx/ρw and τy/ρw are calculated at all grid cells
when IRS = 1. These stress gradient fields are written to the file radstress.
Written first in the file are the grid dimensions (NI and NJ) and grid spacing
(DXINC) repeated from the bathymetry input file. Next in the file is the event
identifier (IDD from the incident wave spectrum file) in the format (i10). After
this header line, the (τx/ρw, τy/ρw) pair are written beginning at cell (1, NJ) and
proceeding in the cross-shore direction (I = 1, NI). The write is repeated for each
grid row from J = NJ-1 to J = 1. The stress gradients are written in free format.
If multiple input spectra are specified, the event identifier and the radiation stress
gradients for each condition are appended to the end of the file. A partial listing
of a sample radiation stress gradient file is given in Appendix F.
Chapter 4 Output File Description