The spectra will be written to the file in an order based on the I cell index,
starting from the smallest index and proceeding to the largest index. This is
because spectra are not saved over the entire grid, so the output spectra are
written to the file as the grid column is solved and then are overwritten in
memory. Thus, the order may not coincide with N = 1, NSELCT. The default
file name for the output spectra file is spec.out. In SMS, the file is specified
with a project name and the extension .obs.
Selected Wave Parameters
The wave parameters Hmo, Tp, and mean wave direction, αm, at selected grid
cells, specified in the model parameters file (see Chapter 3, "Input File
Description"), are saved in a selected parameter output file. The selected grid
cells are the same locations where spectra are saved. For each output point, the
following information is written:
IDD = Integer event identifier, specified in the incident wave spectrum file.
I = Integer x grid cell index of the special output point, specified in the model
parameter file.
J = Integer y grid cell index of the special output point, specified in the model
parameter file.
Hmo = Zero-moment wave height at cell (I, J), in meters.
Tp = Peak wave period at cell (I, J), in seconds.
αm = Mean wave direction at cell (I, J), in degrees relative to the STWAVE
grid (see Figure 3).
The format of each line is (i10,2i3,f6.2,f6.1,f6.0). Information for each selected
grid cell is written on a separate line in the file. The parameters are written to the
file in an order based on the I cell index, starting from the smallest index and
proceeding to the largest index. The default file name is selhts. This file is
not used in SMS because wave height, period, and direction for all grid cells are
displayed graphically on the screen over the entire domain (values at any cell in
the domain are displayed by clicking on the cell with the mouse). A sample of a
wave parameter file is given in Appendix E.
Wave Parameter Fields
The wave parameters Hmo, Tp, and αm are also saved for all grid cells into a
wave field file. Written first in the file are the grid dimensions (NI and NJ) and
grid spacing (DXINC) repeated from the bathymetry input file. Next in the file is
the event identifier (IDD from the incident wave spectrum file) in the format
(i10). After this header line, all the wave heights are written, beginning at cell (1,
Chapter 4 Output File Description