field is given, which is an event identifier. This header is not used by the model,
but is helpful to ensure that the current and spectral input files coincide. Similar
to the bathymetry file, the current file begins with the u/v pair at cell (1, NJ) and
reads in the cross-shore direction (I = 1 to NI). Then the read is repeated for J =
NJ-1 (I = 1 to NI), and progresses to J = 1. The current components are read in
free format. The default name for the current field file is In
SMS, the file is specified as project.cur. A sample current field file is given
in Appendix D. In the sample file, the first line repeats the grid parameters from
the bathymetry file. The grid is defined as 188 cells in the cross-shore direction
and 236 cells in the alongshore direction with a grid spacing of 25 m. The event
identifier for the current field is 200700, which matches the event identifier in the
incident spectrum file. As with the spectral file, multiple wave model runs can
be executed by inserting multiple current fields (with their event-identifier
headers) in the input file (as well as the same number of input spectra in the file) for ICUR = 1. The model will loop through the execution until it
runs out of input spectral and current information. For ICUR = 2, one current
field will be used for all model runs (the first or only current field in the file). This is a new option in STWAVE version 3.
Chapter 3 Input File Description