Output File Description
STWAVE has up to five output files. These files contain wave spectra at the
selected output points; wave height, period, and direction at the selected output
points; fields of wave height, period, and direction over the entire STWAVE
modeling domain; fields of breaker indices indicating active regions of breaking
over the entire domain; and fields of radiation stress gradients over the entire
domain. If multiple incident wave spectra are specified in the input file (and
current fields, if wave-current interaction is specified), then output from each of
these model runs is appended to the output files.
Selected Wave Spectra
Wave spectra at selected grid cells, specified in the model parameters file
(see Chapter 3, "Input File Description"), are saved in a spectral output file.
Similar to the input spectra file, the first line of the output file describes the
number of frequencies and number of directions (NF and NA), and the following
lines give the frequencies. Each spectrum in the file is proceeded by the
following header information:
IDD = Integer event identifier, specified in the incident wave spectrum file.
I = Integer x grid cell index of the special output point, specified in the model
parameter file.
J = Integer y grid cell index of the special output point, specified in the model
parameter file.
N = Integer index of the special output point (values are 1 to NSELCT, based
on the order in which the points are specified in the model parameter file).
The header format is (i10,3i5). Following the header line, the output spectrum is
written in the same order and units in which the incident spectrum was read.
Energy densities are given in the units meters squared/hertz/radian. The
spectrum is written starting with the lowest frequency and writing energy density
for all wave directions (from -85 deg to 85 deg), followed by the energy densities
for all directions for the next lowest frequency, etc. The format of the energy
densities is (17f8.3).
Chapter 4 Output File Description