(parameters must be delimited by spaces, commas, or new lines), includes (in the
following order):
IPRP = Switch for including propagation only (IPRP = 1) or both
propagation and source terms (IPRP = 0). Surf-zone wave breaking is included
for either option, but wind-wave generation, wave-wave interactions, and
whitecapping are included only for IPRP = 0. In applications where the wave
propagation distances are short (on the order of kilometers), propagation only is
usually sufficient. For longer wave propagation distances or cases where only
locally generated waves exist, the source terms should be included.
ICUR = Switch for including (ICUR = 1) or excluding (ICUR = 0) wave-
current interaction. A current field must be specified for each incident wave
condition (see "Current Fields" in a following section) if ICUR = 1. A new
option in STWAVE version 3 is ICUR = 2 to specify a single current field for all
incident wave conditions. This option is useful for climatic studies where peak
ebb or peak flood current fields may be used with a number of typical or extreme
incident wave conditions. Currents can increase (opposing current) or decrease
(following current) wave height as well as change wave direction because of
wave-current interaction. These interactions are strongest for short wave periods
and large current magnitudes. Smith, Militello, and Smith (1998) showed that
current magnitudes less than about 1 m/sec had minor impacts on wave
transformation at an East Coast entrance in Florida (peak wave periods in the
range of 5-15 sec). Currents are read from the file current.in (or
project.cur in SMS).
IBREAK = Switch for printing (IBREAK = 1) or not printing (IBREAK = 0)
binary indices to indicate cells in which the waves are actively dissipating wave
energy. These breaker indices are written to a file called break
(project.brk in SMS). Wave breaking is defined by Equation 12. The value
of IBREAK has no impact on the output wave fields, but determines if the
break output file is written.
IRS = Switch for calculating (IRS = 1) or not calculating (IRS = 0) radiation
stress gradients. The radiation stress gradients are written to the file
radstress. The radiation stress gradients are defined by Equations 17-21.
The radiation stress output file is not used by STWAVE, but it can be used as
input to a circulation model (e.g., ADCIRC) to force wave-driven currents and
water level changes. The output file can be relatively large (τx and τy are written
for each grid cell for each input wave condition).
NSELCT = Number of special output points. The two-dimensional wave
spectra will be saved only for these output points (spec.out). Also, a file that
summarizes wave height, period, and direction for these points will be written
("selected heights" file selhts). Wave height, period, and direction are saved
by the model at all grid points (see Chapter 4), but this summary file makes it
easy to spot-check results at critical locations or to isolate only the locations of
interest. The spectral output file can become large if NSELCT is large and many
input wave conditions are run.
Chapter 3 Input File Description