8.0 List of Preparers and Contributors
MEC Analytical
2433 Impala Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
P.O. Box 86068
San Diego, CA 92138
The following professional staff are the principal contributors from KEA and subcontractors:
Name and Expertise Applied to EIR/EA
Professional Discipline and Expertise
Tom LarkinEnvironmental Analysis; 25 years of experience
Julie McCall (KEA)
Environmental Analysis; 14 years of experience
Project Manager
Teri Fenner, MA (KEA)
Environmental Analysis; 14 years of experience
Assistant Project Manager
Agency Coordination
Shawn Shamlou, MA (KEA)
Environmental Analysis; 5 years of experience
CEQA and NEPA Analysis
Chris Webb, MA (Moffatt & Nichol)
Project Engineer, 10 years of experience
Coastal Engineering and Permitting
Alan Alcorn, PE (Moffatt & Nichol)
Engineering, 20 years of experience
Quality Control, Permitting
Seamus Innes (Moffatt & Nichol)
Coastal modeling, 4 years of experience
Coastal Modeling
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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