8.0 List of Preparers and Contributors
Susan Ming, PE (Moffatt & Nichol)
Numerical modeling, 8 years of experience
Coastal Engineering
Karen Green (MEC)
Marine Biology, 20 years of experience
Marine Resources, Permitting
Douglas Deiner, Ph.D. (MEC)
Marine Biology, 24 years of experience
Marine Resources
Jim Kurtz (KEA)
Environmental Engineering; 30 years of experience
Traffic, Air Quality, Noise
Mike Downs, Ph.D. (KEA)
Anthropology; 18 years of experience
Rebecca Apple, M.A. (KEA)
Anthropology; 17 years of experience
Cultural Resources
Roy Pettus (GeoArch)
Marine Archaeology; 20 years of experience
Underwater Archaeological Resources
John Hildebrand, Ph.D. (GeoArch)
Marine Geophysicist, 20 years of experience
Underwater Archaeological Resources
Angela Johnson (KEA)
Graphics Coordinator; 7 years of experience
Graphic Design and GIS
Dan Brady (KEA)
Graphic Designer; 5 years of experience
Eric Coughlin (KEA)
GIS Specialist; 3 years of experience
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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