9.0 References and Persons Contacted
1999a Final Environmental Impact Report for the Proposed Oceanside Harbor Precise
Plan Amendment. February 5.
1999b Buena Vista Lagoon Weir Replacement Project Negative Declaration. April.
City of San Diego
1969 The Ocean Edge of San Diego.
Mission Beach Precise Plan and Local Coastal Program Addendum. April.
Municipal Code Section 59.5.0404, Construction Noise. January 3.
Mission Beach Boardwalk Widening Project Final Environmental Impact Report.
City of Solana Beach
1992 Municipal Code, Section 7.34, Noise Abatement and Control, Adopted as Ordinance
No. 147. February 18.
Solana Beach General Plan Noise Element. November 14.
Coastal Environments
1998 Bibliography of pertinent research on existing conditions and monitoring studies in the
vicinity of Aqua Hedionda Lagoon. Prepared for the California Coastal Commission,
SDG&E, and the City of Carlsbad.
County of San Diego
1980 San Diego County General Plan Noise Element. December 17.
County of San Diego, Air Pollution Control District
1998 Rules and Regulations. December.
1994-1998 Summary of San Diego Air Basin Monitored Pollutant Data. August.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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