4.6 Land and Water Use
Similarly, recreational fishing activities would not be significantly affected by the proposed dredging or
replenishment operations. Boaters would be restricted from areas in the vicinity of the dredge sites and
pipelines, but this would be a short-term effect to localized areas.
Direct impacts to the 12 artificial reefs near SO-9 would be avoided given their distance to the proposed
dredging (a minimum of 500 feet for mapped reefs and 350 feet on recently re-located experimental rock
scatter). Consultation with CDFG would be necessary prior to dredging for purposes of notification and
a letter of non-objection must be obtained from CDFG (Bedford 1999). While the distance to these
artificial reefs varies, and distant reefs may be used for recreational diving during the dredge, the reefs that
are closest (up to 500 feet) may be closed for safety reasons. In the worst-case scenario, recreational
diving would be temporarily restricted at the nearest reefs for a period of approximately 50 days (worst-
case). Given the availability of other available dive sites in the region, and the short-term nature of closure,
impacts would not be significant.
The Encina Wastewater Authority's sewer line (1.6 miles north) and SONGS artificial reef (750 feet north)
would not be negatively impacted by dredging operations at SO-7 because both are of sufficient distance
away to avoid impacts during dredging at this borrow source. The 12 artificial reefs in the vicinity of SO-7
would also be avoided. Consultation with CDFG would be necessary before dredging could occur for
purposes of notification and a letter of non-objection must be obtained from CDFG (Bedford 1999).
Recreational diving would be temporarily restricted for a period of approximately 50 days (possibly longer
if SO-9 and/or SO-6 are not utilized). Given the availability of other available dive sites in the region, and
the short-term nature of closure, impacts would not be significant.
Due to the short-term nature of dredging and distance from the underwater park, no significant long-term
impacts to the features within the lease area are anticipated.
Page 4.6-4
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\sect-04.06.wpd 7/19/00