3.13 Noise
Table 3.13-4
North Carlsbad Receiver Site Noise Measurements(1)
Noise Level
dBA, Leq
NC-A. Public access stairway at the north
Some homes further south project
end of Ocean St (north part of fill area).
closer to surf. Measurement stopped
On steps even with rear walls of buildings
when leaf blower put into operation.
on either side. Full view of surf to north
and south.
NC-B. South of Beech St.(central part of
Most homes here are set back 20-30
fill area), on rip-rap even with multi-
ft. further than the multi-family.
family to south. Full view of surf to north
Approx. 40 ft., surf to rip-rap, which
and south.
is about 8' deep and 8' high.
NC-C. Between Oak and Pine Streets
Some lifeguard public address noise.
(south part of fill area), on rock even with
first floor of southernmost home. Full
view of surf to north and south.
Measurement intervals of 6-8 minutes, August 14, 1999 between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
South Carlsbad North
The proposed receiver site would extend from approximately the intersection of Palomar Airport
Road and Carlsbad Boulevard, on the north, southward for a distance of approximately 2,800 feet. In
this area, there are no residences or other sensitive noise receptors adjacent to the beach. The nearest
sensitive noise receptors include single residences that are east of Carlsbad Boulevard on Oceanview
Drive, at a distance of approximately 500 feet.
Noise Levels
Table 3.13-5 shows the measured noise levels in the South Carlsbad North receiver site area. From
this data, it may be assumed that nighttime noise levels would be 52-62 dBA at the north end of the
residential area, and 50-51 dBA Leq at the south end of the area. The large range for noise levels at
the north end reflects the variability in traffic noise, which is the dominant source.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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99-69\SECT-03.13.DOC 9/24/02