3.13 Noise
Table 3.13-6
South Carlsbad South Receiver Site Noise Measurements(1)
Noise Level
dBA, Leq
SCS-A. At fence/top of bluff, just north
Traffic noise from Carlsbad Blvd. is
of northernmost camp site (central part of
heard throughout campground along
fill area). Full view of surf to north and
with surf noise. Peak noise from
accelerating from traffic light.
SCS-B. On stairs above lifeguard tower
Similar to SCS-A, but further from
#9 (south part of fill area). In line with
adjacent camp sites. Full view of surf to
north and south.
Measurement intervals of 1-10 minutes, July 29, 1999 between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m.
Sensitive Receptors
The proposed receiver site would be located south of Batiquitos Lagoon, with the northern part in
Carlsbad, and the southern part in Leucadia (City of Encinitas). The northern part includes Ponto
Beach, a popular recreation area. There are no sensitive noise receptors near the northern or central
part of the receiver site. The closest receptors are residences on the bluffs approximately 60 to 80
feet above. The east sides of these homes face Parliament Road. There is a restaurant, with access
from Coast Highway, overlooking Ponto Beach.
Noise Levels
No measurements were taken at the Batiquitos receiver site because noise levels at the homes above
the south end of the site would be anticipated to be similar to those at the Leucadia site. Those noise
levels range from 63 to 66 dBA, Leq.
Sensitive Receptors
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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99-69\SECT-03.13.DOC 9/24/02