3.13 Noise
Response: Slow; Time history period: 5 seconds. Generally, the total measurement time at each
position was on the order of 10-15 minutes, because the ambient noise was relatively constant, and
longer periods were not necessary to determine an average. Occasionally, measurements were cut
short because of extraneous noise sources, such as barking dogs and curious people, or other
conditions that precluded further measurement. Noise measurement locations were chosen at or near
the sensitive receptors closest to the anticipated noise source locations, or at points that are
equivalent. In some instances, access to representative points was not available, which is noted in
the individual site descriptions.
South Oceanside
Sensitive Receptors
The proposed receiver site is bounded on the east by a rip-rap slope. The site would extend from
north of Marron Street, on the north, to south of Cassidy Street, on the south. Sensitive noise
receptors include single and multi-family residences that are east of the beach and rip-rap slope, with
setbacks on the order of 5 to 10 feet. The east sides of these homes face South Pacific Street. South
of Buccaneer Beach Park and Morse Street, the homes on the east side of South Pacific Street are
also potential sensitive receptors. These homes are elevated approximately 20 feet above the homes
to the west, thus providing partial views to the beach. The NCTD railroad tracks, which carry
approximately 41 trains per day1, are located approximately 800 feet east of the fill site.
Noise Levels
Table 3.13-3 shows the measured noise levels in the South Oceanside receiver site area. From this
data, it may be assumed that noise levels of 62-65 dBA at the beachfront homes during periods when
there is little or no activity on the beach, and little or no train or traffic noise. The range of noise
levels indicates the variance in distance from the homes to the east edge of the fill area and the surf
line. Noise levels would be greater during periods of greater activity on the beach, principally from
voices. Nighttime noise levels at the homes on the east side of South Pacific Street, south of
Cassidy, would be approximately 10 dB less, in the 52-55 dBA range. At these homes, daytime
noise levels would be higher because of traffic on South Pacific Street.
One way trips: 17 Amtrak, 18 Coaster and 6 freight. North of the Oceanside transit center, there are less
Coaster passbys, but additional Metrolink trains.
Page 3.13-6
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SECT-03.13.DOC 9/24/02