3.13 Noise
Table 3.13-3
South Oceanside Receiver Site Noise Measurements(1)
Noise Level
dBA, Leq
SO-A. West end of Oceanside Blvd.
Some noise from vehicles on S.
(north central part of fill area), at rip-rap.
Pacific St. and from train.
Full view of surf to north and south.
SO-B. North of Buccaneer Beach Access
Home to rip-rap distance approx 10
central part of fill area), on porch of
ft. rip-rap to surf line approx. 30 ft.
vacant home. Full view of surf to north
Some noisy traffic on S. Pacific St.
and south.
SO-C. West end of Cassidy St.(south part
Brief measurements interrupted by
of fill area), on stairs at distance and
noise from traffic and friendly
elevation of second floor of adjacent
pedestrians on stairs.
homes. Full view of surf to north and
SO-D. Homes on east side of S. Pacific
Estimated surf noise levels.
St., elevated above beachfront homes on
west side. Views of beach and surf
between beachfront homes.
Measurement intervals of 3-10 minutes, July 29, 1999 between 6:00 and 7:00 a.m.
North Carlsbad
Sensitive Receptors
The proposed receiver site would extend from north of Ocean Street, on the north, to just south of
Pine Street. Sensitive noise receptors include single and multi-family residences that are adjacent to
the beach. Some of these homes have rip-rap protection, others do not. The east sides of these
homes face Ocean Street. The Army and Navy Academy, a preparatory school, is also adjacent to
the beach, south of Pacific Street.
Noise Levels
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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