3.6 Land and Water Use
with the tourism industry, also exist along adjacent roadways. The Strand, a beach front road that extends
from Seagaze Drive to Wisconsin Avenue, abuts the northern end of the proposed receiver site. The Loma
Alta Creek mouth is also adjacent to the replenishment footprint at Buccaneer Beach.
Most recreational watersports occur adjacent to the Oceanside Pier, although there are scattered sand drift
surf breaks near the proposed receiver site. Surfing conditions in this area are primarily dependent upon
shifting formations of nearshore sandbars; surfing conditions tend to be good all year round. Popular surf
spots near the receiver site are shown on Figure 3.6-1.
The South Oceanside receiver beach involves CSLC sovereign land granted to the City of Oceanside
pursuant to Chapter 848, Statutes of 1979. As such, any permits necessary for the proposed action would
be granted by the City, as trustee of these lands.
Land Use Policies
The proposed receiver site is located within the Coastal Zone as designated in the City of Oceanside Land
Use Element of the General Plan (1989). The objective of the coastal zone is to provide for the
conservation of the City's coastal resources and fulfill the requirements of the California Coastal Act of
In compliance with the California Coastal Act of 1976, the City adopted a LCP in 1985. The coastal zone
boundary runs parallel to Coast Highway and west to the ocean. The north shore of the Buena Vista
lagoon and an area north of Mission Avenue and east of I-5 are also included in the boundary area. In
general, the LCP requires that development not interfere with the public access to and along the shoreline.
As stated in Policy A of Section 1.32 of the Land Use Element,
The City shall utilize the certified Local Coastal Plan and supporting documentation
for review of all proposed projects within the Coastal Zone. Specifically, the goals
and policies of the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan shall be the guiding policy
review document.
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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