damaged during a 1977 storm, the expanded section of the dock was closed dur-
ing the winter months. To protect the expanded dock area, the Corps con-
structed two short rubble-mound breakwaters during 1 8 to 1983. A chronology
of events related to the development and repair of the harbor structures is
Douglas Small-Boat Basin, Alaska
21. Douglas i located on Douglas Island, Alaska, across the Gastineau
Channel about 2 miles southeast of Juneau. The project, as adopted in 1958,
includes a 5.2-acre small-boat basin dredged to -12 ft mllw and a
rubble-mound breakwater.
22. The project was completed in 1962, including a 105-ft rubble-mound
breakwater. To maximize the area of the harbor, 1 3 side slopes were dredged
on the southeast and southwest sides of the basin. These slopes were covered
with a 2-ft filter layer of gravel under a 2-ft layer of quarry run rock for
slope protection. The other sides of the basin were dredged to
and did not require protection. A chronology of events related to the devel-
opment and repair of the harbor structures is given in Table 3 .
Haines Small-Boat Basin, Alaska
23. Haines Small-Boat Basin is located on the west shore of Portage
Cove, adjacent to the City of Haines in southeast Alaska, about 90 water miles
northwest of Juneau, Alaska. The project includes the extension of an exist-
ing small-boat basin by removal of part of an existing breakwater and con-
struction of a
offshore rubble-mound breakwater.
24. The existing small-boat basin was constructed by a joint effort of
the Territory of Alaska and Alaska Public Works, a one-time Department of the
Interior agency. The basin was protected by an 800-ft L-shaped breakwater
completed in 1958. The basin was intended to enclose a 2.5-acre basin dredged
to -10 ft mllw. Difficulties in dredging the basin resulted in only 1 8 acres
being completed.
The Corps project was adopted in 1 7 and included expansion of the
basin to 4.2 acres dredged to -12 ft mllw and -14
mllw, with an entrance
channel dredged to -15 ft mllw, removal of the seaward leg of the existing
breakwater, and construction of a 905-ft crescent-shaped offshore rubble-mound
breakwater. The project was completed in 1976. A chronology of events re-
lated to the development and repair of the harbor structures is given in