including a 5-acre basin protected by a 600-ft main breakwater and a 170-ft
stub breakwater. The main breakwater was destroyed by a storm in 1 8 and
rebuilt and extended to 725 ft in 1983. The basin has a capacity of
125 boats. A chronology of events related to the development and repair of
the harbor structures is given in Table 15.
Seldovia Harbor, Alaska
49. Seldovia is located near the mouth of Seldovia Bay on the southern
shore of Kachemak Bay on Cook Inlet, 1 0 air miles south of Anchorage and
15 nautical miles southwest of Homer. The project includes a 700-ft
boat basin dredged to -12
mllw, protected by a 400-ft north breakwater and
a 600-ft detached south breakwater.
50. The project was authorized in 1958 and constructed during
1962. An earthquake in 1964 caused the basin to subside 3.8 ft. The break-
in 1964. A chronology of events related to
waters were therefore raised
the development and repair of the harbor structures i given in Table 16.
Seward Harbor, Alaska
51. Seward i located on Resurrection Bay off the Gulf of Alaska, about
120 miles south of Anchorage. The project includes a 17-acre small-boat basin
protected by two rubble-mound breakwaters.
52. The original project, authorized in 1930 and completed in 1932, in-
cluded a 4.7-acre basin dredged to -12.5 ft mllw, protected by a 580-ft south
breakwater. A 950-ft north breakwater was added in 1937 and raised in 1953.
to 1956, the south breakwater was raised, and two pile breakwaters
were added on the eastern side of the basin.
The original harbor was completely destroyed in the 1964 earth-
quake. The harbor was relocated and rebuilt during 1964 to 1965, including a
4.75-acre replacement basin dredged to -12.5
mllw, a 12.45-acre extension
dredged to -15
mllw, a 1,060-ft rubble-mound south breakwater, and a
1,750-ft rubble-mound east breakwater.
54. A Detailed Project Report and Final Environmental Impact Statement
were prepared in 1982 for expansion of the harbor. The study recommended that
a 30-acre basin be dredged 2 miles northeast of Seward, protected by a
1,400-ft south breakwater, a 2,500-ft west breakwater, and a 1,700-ft north
silt-barrier breakwater. There was no record of action taken since the study
was prepared. A chronology of events related to the development and repair of
the harbor structures is