Table 3
Douglas Small-Boat Basin
Douglas, Alaska
Construction and Rehabilitation History
The project was adopted, including a 5.2-acre basin and a
rubble-mound breakwater.
The project was completed, including a 5.2-acre basin and a 105-ft
rubble-mound breakwater. The breakwater was constructed to crest
elevation of +24 ft mllw, crest width of 6 ft, and side slopes of
1 :1.5. Core material was 3,548 cu yd of quarry-run rock. The armor
layer had a 4-ft thickness of 175- to 275-1b armor rock, with 50 per-
cent greater than 225 lb. The armor layer extended to the toe of the
breakwater and included the harbor side, requiring 1,203 cu yd of
and 2.6
rock. The design wave was 2.4
The harbor is illustrated in Figure 9, and an aerial photograph of
the harbor is presented in Figure 10. There are no reports of needed
repairs or rehabilitation.