Haines Small-Boat Basin
Haines, Alaska
Construction and Rehabilitation History
The original breakwater was constructed.
The project was adopted.
The project was completed, including a 4.2-acre boat basin dredged by
local interests to -12
and -15 ft mllw, and an entrance channel
maintained by the Corps to -15
mllw. The seaward leg of the
existing breakwater was removed, and a 905-ft crescent-shaped off-
shore breakwater was constructed. The crest elevation on the new
breakwater was +26 ft mllw, the crest width was ft, and side slopes
were 1:2 on the seaward side and
on the harbor side. The
breakwater was constructed with a rubble core covered by armor rock.
The crest width and outer face of the trunk were covered with 2.5 ft
rock. Armor on the ends and first and last 100 ft of the
trunk consisted of 3 ft of 400-lb rock. The remainder of the inner
face was covered with three ft of 40-lb rock. A gap was left between
the offshore breakwater and the older breakwater to protect salmon
fry and promote circulation in the basin.
The harbor is illustrated in Figure 11, and an aerial photograph of
the harbor is presented in Figure 12. There are no reports of needed
repairs or rehabilitation.