Alaska District
Cordova Harbor, Alaska
16. Cordova is located in southern Alaska on Orca Inlet at the south-
eastern approach of Prince William Sound, 145 air miles east-southeast from
Anchorage. The original project was adopted in 1935 and completed in 1938,
including an 8.26-acre boat basin dredged to -10 ft mean lower low water
(mllw), a 1,100-ft north breakwater, and a 1,400-ft south breakwater, both of
rubble-mound over brush mat construction. The harbor was originally designed
for 500 boats, but increasing boat sizes reduced the capacity to 220 boats by
17. The 1964 earthquake uplifted the area 6.4 ft and reduced the depth
of the harbor to -5.5 ft mllw. The harbor was restored--including repair and
strengthening of both breakwaters, construction of an access road along the
crest of the north breakwater, and dredging the original basin plus an addi-
tional 1 . acres to -14
was completed in 1965, and a 183-ft entrance breakwater was added in 1966.
the harbor was expanded by 19.55 acres by removing the
1 . In
1,400-ft south breakwater, extending an existing silt barrier breakwater by
650 ft, and constructing a 1,902-ft rubble-mound breakwater along the west and
north sides of the extended basin. The basin extension was dredged by local
interests. The project was completed in 1983 and appears to be in good con-
dition at this time. A chronology of events related to the development and
repair of the harbor structures is given in Table 1 .
Craig Harbor, Alaska
Craig is located in southeastern Alaska on the west side of Prince
of Wales Island, 60 air miles west of Ketchikan and 750 miles southeast of
Anchorage. The project includes a small-boat basin protected by two
20. The original project was adopted in 1 4 and provided for dredging
a basin in South Cove to - 1 1 ft mllw and a
100-ft wide entrance channel to
- 1 1 ft mllw. The floating dock system was
expanded toward the harbor entrance
fishing fleet. The expanded area
to provide moorage for the growing
was subjected to winter storms. After one
ship sank and several others were