Channel Islands Structures
Channel Islands Harbor, California
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Construction of two rubble-mound jetties was completed at the
5 . The north jetty was 1,270 ft long, and
of the jetties were
the south jetty was 1,300 ft long. Crest
+14 ft mllw with 16-ft crest widths. Side slopes were
Cost of jetty construction was 7,000.
Construction of a 2,300-ft-long detached rubble-mound breakwater
was completed for a cost of ,619,000. The crest el of the break-
water was +14 ft mllw, and it had a 16-ft width. Side slopes were
on the harbor side and
on the ocean side. This
structure was constructed to form a sand trap in conjunction with
yd of material was
the existing jetties. Initially, 1,600,000
dredged in the lee of the breakwater and then biennially for
deposit south of the harbor entrance for use in restoring and
maintaining the downcoast shoreline.
The structures are in good condition.
Figure 25.
Channel Islands Harbor,