Table 1
Ventura Marina Structures
Ventura Marina, California
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Construction of the marina was completed by local interests.
Structures included a 1,254-ft-long north jetty, a 1,071-ft-long
south jetty, and a 250-ft-long middle jetty (Figure 2 ) The north
and south jetties were constructed with a crest el of
ft mllw
and a crest width of 1 ft with
side slopes. The ocean
side of these jetties was armored with a single, uniform layer of
10.68-ton tribars. The middle jetty had a crest width of 24 ft
with varying els and
side slopes.
A 1,500-ft-long detached rubble-mound breakwater and dredging of a
sand trap were authorized. Also, the authorization plan provided
for the US to maintain the existing jetties and channels previously
constructed by local interests.
Minor repairs were completed at the head of the north jetty. The
repairs consisted of resetting displaced and broken tribars on the
seaward end of the jetty and reshaping the jetty head with 3-ton
Construction of the 1,500-ft-long offshore rubble-mound breakwater
authorized in 1968 was completed (Figure 2 ) The structure had a
16-ft-wide crest with an el of +20 ft mllw. Side slopes were
on the harbor side and
on the ocean side.
The structures currently are in good condition.