9.0 References and Persons Contacted
Mitchell, Darryl
1999 Planner for City of Solana Beach, personal communication with Shawn Shamlou, KEA
Moffatt & Nichol Engineers
1999 Memo regarding economic analysis ofsand retention structures from Chris Webb to Steve
Sachs, SANDAG. February 25.
2000a Shoreline Morphology Study, San Diego Regional Beach Sand Project . Prepared for
KEA Environmental. January 14.
2000b Memo regarding North Carlsbad Empirical Data from Chris Webb, Moffatt & Nichol, to
Steve Sachs, SANDAG. March 2.
2000c Memo regarding overfill factor, from Chris Webb, Moffatt & Nichol, to Steve Sachs,
SANDAG. March 2.
2000d Personal communication between Chris Webb, Moffatt & Nichol, and Teri Fenner, KEA
Environmental, Inc. March 3.
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
1991 Results of Southern California Sportfish Economic Survey. August.
Letter from Rodney McInnis, Acting Regional Administrator to J.C. Ruzicska, U.S. Navy
Environmental Program Manager, Re: NMFS Finding that U.S. Navy Southwest Division
Existing Environmental Review Procedures For Federal Projects Meet EFH Consultation
Requirements. April.
Pacific Fishery Management Council
1998a Essential Fish Habitat West Coast Groundfish, modified from the Final EIS for
Amendment 11 to the Pacific Groundfish Fishery Management Plan. October.
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