4.6 Land and Water Use
This analysis of land and water use impacts addresses the alternatives' compatibility with existing and
planned land uses; conformance with local land use plans; and compatibility with recreational uses.
Compatibility with existing land and water uses is assessed to determine to whether the proposed land and
water uses (i.e., dredging and beach replenishment) would conflict with existing, planned, and adjacent
uses. Conformance with land use plans is based on consistency between the proposed use and adopted
plans such as the general plans discussed in Section 3.4. Permitting requirements are discussed in Section
2.7 of this EIR/EA. Noise-related land use issues are described in Section 4.13. Information regarding
potential impacts to commercial fishing operations is found in Section 4.8 (Socioeconomics).
Significance Criteria
The significance of potential land use impacts associated with implementation of the proposed action is
based on the level of land use sensitivity in areas that would be affected. In general, land use and
recreational impacts would be significant if they would:
be inconsistent or non-compliant with applicable land use patterns or policies;
preclude the viability of existing or planned land use activities;
preclude continued use or occupation of an area;
be incompatible with adjacent or vicinity land use to the extent that public health or safety is threatened;
result in long-term impacts to the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities.
Alternative 1
Impacts of Alternative 1a
Receiver Sites
As described in Section 3.6, the general plans, community plans, and LCP's of all applicable jurisdictions
recognize the need to implement beach replenishment activities and the proposed project would be
consistent with guiding documents at all receiver sites. In fact, several jurisdictions have adopted policies
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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