With the exception of a small localized area that had a 40-foot wide band of dense cobble (100 percent
cover), cobble cover on the beach was sparse (less than 20 percent). Very localized occurrence of hard
substrate included a few rocks in the upper intertidal 2,900 feet south of the northern site boundary. No
marine life was found on the cobble or rock. One very small area (3.5 feet long by 6 inches wide) of
exposed sandstone was observed 350 feet seaward of the back beach (i.e., outside but adjacent to the
site's seaward boundary) approximately 1,900 feet south of the northern site boundary. The sandstone
had a relief height of two inches and no marine life was observed.
California grunion eggs were not observed in shovel samples collected during the July survey. Sand depths
were sufficient and cobble cover was not extensive enough to have limited grunion egg laying during the
survey period.
Nearby Sensitive Resources
The closest California least tern and western snowy plover nesting sites are at Batiquitos Lagoon, which
is about one-half mile from the receiver site (Figure 3.4-1).
Inshore and intertidal surfgrass beds occur immediately north of the receiver site near Grandview Street,
and at several locations south of the site offshore Jason Street, offshore Diana Street, offshore Leucadia
Street, and offshore El Porto Street.
The nearshore habitats off Leucadia are mostly low-relief, scattered reef with patches of high-relief reef.
Low-relief reef begins just beyond the seaward boundary of the site and extends in the nearshore area
along the entire site (Table 3.4-2). The scattered, low-relief reef off the Leucadia site was covered with
scattered surfgrass, feather boa kelp, and giant kelp in 1997. An area of high-relief reef starts
approximately 700 feet offshore in -8 feet MLLW. An area of high-relief reef also occurs immediately to
the north of the site, approximately 725 feet offshore in -9 feet MLLW. The high relief patches were
vegetated with giant kelp, feather boa kelp, surfgrass, and sea palms.
No kelp canopy was mapped in the vicinity of the site in 1999. In 1997, kelp was found offshore at depths
greater than -20 feet MLLW, which is about 925 feet seaward of the site boundary (Table 3.4-2).
Historically, there has been a high persistence of kelp in the vicinity of the site.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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