California grunion eggs were not observed in shovel samples collected during the May or July 1999
surveys. Cobble cover and inadequate sand depths may have limited the ability of this site to support
grunion egg laying during the May survey. While sand depths were sufficient in the lower part of the upper
and mid intertidal zones, cobble cover was still dense in part of the upper intertidal during the July survey.
Nearby Sensitive Resources
The closest California least tern and western snowy plover nesting sites are at Batiquitos Lagoon, which
is about 1.8 miles south of the receiver site (Figure 3.4-1). A small inshore surfgrass patch occurs over
one mile south of the receiver site.
A localized low relief hard substrate area was observed over 250 feet south of the site's southern
boundary. No sensitive resources were found. Filamentous red, coralline, and crustose red algae were
the only marine life observed on the rocks.
Nearshore waters are characterized by mostly sandy bottom with low-relief, scattered reef offshore most
of the site. This low-relief reef area begins 600 feet offshore in -5 to -10 feet MLLW, which is about 350
feet from the seaward boundary of the site (Table 3.4-2). Patchy surfgrass and feather boa kelp were
observed on the reef in 1997. Patches of high-relief reef occur south of the site, beginning 775 feet offshore
in -7 to -15 feet MLLW. Surfgrass and feather boa kelp were on those reef areas in 1997.
No kelp canopy was present in the vicinity of the site in 1999. The closest kelp bed in 1997 was about
one mile south (Table 3.4-2). Historically, kelp has occurred offshore the site at depths greater than 20
feet above MLLW.
While much of the proposed receiver site is sand, during the May 1999 survey, a continuous band of 100
percent cobble was observed in the upper intertidal and extended up to 60 feet seaward of the back beach.
Bands of five to 70 percent cobble extended further seaward from the denser cobble band. Insufficient
sand occurred in the upper intertidal to record sand depth measurements. Sand depths ranged from four
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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