Surfgrass and feather boa kelp was associated with some of the low relief areas in 1997. Localized areas
of high-relief reef start at about -10 feet MLLW. Feather boa kelp and sea fans were noted on some of
the high relief areas.
Consistent results were noted during January 2000 surveys of reef areas located near Pine Avenue at the
south end of the site, further south offshore Tamarack Avenue but north of the inlet jetty of Agua Hedionda
Lagoon, and south of the discharge jetty of the lagoon. Nearshore reef areas ranged from 0 to 5 feet in
height. Surfgrass mainly occurred on relatively higher relief reefs (e.g., two to five feet) at depths less than
-15 feet MLLW, but also occurred on lower relief reefs at deeper depths out to -22 feet MLLW. Feather
boa kelp had scattered occurrence on a variety of reefs from -10 feet to -25 feet MLLW. Sea fans were
sparse in occurrence on relatively higher (greater than two feet) portions of some reefs. Several of the
reefs, particularly at depths less than -10 feet MLLW and/or with lower relief heights were vegetated only
with opportunistic coralline turf algae.
No kelp canopy was mapped in the vicinity of the site in 1999. In 1997, the nearest kelp bed was over
2,000 feet south of the site (Table 3.4-2). Historically, kelp has occurred offshore in depths greater than
-20 feet MLLW. Historical persistence of kelp has been moderate at locations north of Agua Hedionda
South Carlsbad North
This site is predominantly sand with localized cobble bands extending from the upper intertidal from 10 to
100 feet seaward to the mid tide zone. Sand depths during the May 1999 survey averaged five to seven
inches in the upper and mid intertidal zones and 19 inches in the lower intertidal. With the exception of
juvenile sand crabs, few organisms were observed in the shovel samples collected in May.
California grunioneggs were not observed in shovel samples collected during the May survey. Sand depths
were not sufficient in the upper and mid intertidal zones to support grunion egg laying in May. Beach width
also may have been limiting since damp sand was observed at the back of the beach, which is abutted by
a cliff along the length of the site.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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