and a brief visit was made in June 1999. The amount of the exposed reef habitats differed between
surveys. The few marine resources observed on all three reefs indicated that the sites experience frequent
sand disturbance.
A 350-foot long area with patchy, low relief reef occurred in May 1999 between Fletcher Cove and South
Helix Street. The reef started 200 feet seaward of the cliff and extended offshore through the site's
offshore boundary. Filamentous red algae was common on the rock and juvenile feather boa kelp was
sparse in occurrence. In July, sand had covered 200 feet of the reef and filamentous red algae was the only
resource observed on the 150-foot long patchy reef area.
A 250-foot long by 185-foot wide patchy, low relief reef area was observed between offshore South Helix
Street starting 60 feet seaward of the back beach both in May and July. With the exception of filamentous
and coralline red algae, which were common in occurrence, there were few biological resources. Very
sparse in occurrence were juvenile feather boa kelp (average size 22 inches), Ulva green algae, small leafy
brown and red algae, aggregated sea anemones (average size 21 inches), and chitons.
Just south of the southern end of the site, a small (80-foot long) patchy low relief area began about 200 feet
seaward of the back beach and extended offshore. Feather boa kelp (juvenile to adult size; average size
88 inches) was common in occurrence as was filamentous red algae. Other algae such as coralline and
small leafy red algae were sparsely distributed. The only invertebrates were hermit crabs, which were
sparse in occurrence.
California grunion eggs were not observed in shovel samples collected during the May and July 1999
surveys. Sand depths generally were insufficient in the upper intertidal during the May survey, but there
was sufficient sand in July. The narrow beach width probably would have been limiting to grunion laying
because waves were breaking at the base of the cliff on the incoming portion of the tide during both
Nearby Sensitive Resources
The closest California least tern and western snowy plover nesting sites are located at San Elijo Lagoon,
which is located within one mile from the receiver site (Figure 3.4-1).
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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