California grunion eggs were not observed in shovel samples collected during the May survey, which was
during a period of predicted grunion runs. Sand depths were sufficient and cobble cover was not extensive
at the north to middle portions of the site. However, beach width was narrow and cobble cover was
extensive in the upper intertidal towards the south end of the site. Grunion are known to occasionally use
the beach at Oceanside near Oceanside Harbor and MCB Camp Pendleton; therefore, there is the
potential for their occurrence. The potential is considered low towards the south end of the site where sand
habitat is limited and cobble is more dense.
Nearby Sensitive Resources
Primary California least ternand western snowy plover nesting locations are located about two to five miles
north of the site at MCB Camp Pendleton. The W-2 tern and plover nesting colony at Batiquitos Lagoon
is approximately 500 feet from this receiver site.
Nearshore waters off the South Oceanside receiver site are predominantly sand with localized occurrence
of scattered rocks. Scattered rock habitat offshore the receiver site was surveyed in January 2000. It
consists of low relief (zero to three feet) substrate vegetated with opportunistic coralline algal turf.
Localized and sparse occurrence of sea fans occur on higher relief rocks. The south boundary of the
receiver site is at least 2,000 feet from the nearest vegetated nearshore reef (Table 3.4-2). No kelp bed
had surface canopy in the vicinity in 1999, and the closest kelp bed in 1997 was nearly two miles south.
The nearest surfgrass bed is over 1.5 miles to the south.
North Carlsbad
The proposed receiver site is predominantly sand. Sand depths ranged between 13 to 32 inches during
the May 1999 survey and had an overall average depth of 18 inches. Sand crabs and polychaete worms
occupied the sand habitat.
Cobble was sparse (5 to 10 percent) in occurrence along most of the site, although localized areas near
the north and south boundaries had dense bands (100 percent cover) next to the back beach. Bands of
25 to 75 percent cobble extended seaward of the dense band at the south end of the site. No marine life
was observed on the cobble. California grunion eggs were not observed in shovel samples collected during
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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