2.0 Alternatives Considered
Table 2-7
Lagoon Maintenance
Approximate Amount of
Party Responsible for Dredging
Material Dredged Annually (cy)
Buena Vista
Agua Hedionda
Cabrillo Power I
50,000 to 75,000
Department of Parks and Recreation, County Department
San Elijo
50,000 to 60,000
of Vector Control, San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy(1)
City of Del Mar, 22nd District Agricultural Association(1),
San Dieguito
San Dieguito River Valley Open Space Park, Southern
California Edison(2)
Los Peasquitos
City of San Diego(3)
2,000 to 10,000
City and County of San Diego, U.S. Navy, USFWS,
Tijuana Estuary
Department of Parks and Recreation
Although these entities have carried out lagoon mouth openings in the past, there is no legal requirement for
them to do so.
Southern California Edison (SCE) is required to maintain the river mouth in an open condition after future
lagoon restoration to mitigate for San Onofre Power Plant impacts on fisheries.
The City of San Diego is required to fund lagoon maintenance activities to mitigate for impacts from the
ongoing construction of the State Highway 56/I-5 interchange. The City contracts this work to the Department
of Parks and Recreation and Los Peasquitos Lagoon Foundation.
Completed restoration of tidal influence to tide pools.
Source: SANDAG 1999
(i.e., other beach replenishment projects including maintenance dredging) versus project inputs to determine
how much of the material in the lagoon, if any, is project-related. This monitoring effort would also occur
for four years subsequent to the action. It would rely in part on data from the ongoing SANDAG
monitoring plus additional data collection. If the monitoring effort is unable to determine, to the satisfaction
of the resource agencies, the project impact at a specific lagoon, then quantities up to the potential, worst-
case sedimentation derived in Appendix C may be utilized.
Potential Sedimentation Impacts to Marine Resources
Ifmonitoring documents a significant, long-term adverse impact to sensitive marine resources resulting from
discharge activities based on resource agency/SANDAG consultation and review of the monitoring reports
(twice yearly and project completion), then restoration of like habitat at a 1:1 ratio would be proposed as
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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