2.0 Alternatives Considered
Table 2-8. Continued
Monitoring Commitments
Perform baseline surveys of selected test and control
Establish baseline data for
Prior to construction
sites if not in current Navy program
comparison purposes
retained by SANDAG
Semi-annual monitoring of rocky intertidal, subtidal,
Verify no long-term adverse impacts
Twice annually for four years, with
and kelp habitat; includes surfgrass in subtidal
to sensitive habitats due to sediment
annual reports and one final report
retained by SANDAG
Monitor for grunion spawning in construction area,
Avoid grunion eggs and protect until
March through August and per CDFG
establish buffer extending 65 feet shoreward of high
annual pamphlet Expected Grunion
retained by SANDAG
tide line and 100 feet upcoast and downcoast (total
200 feet), until eggs hatch (14 days) and surveys
show no subsequent spawning
Monitor for possible underwater archaeology
Identify any significant
During project construction
Qualified cultural resource consultant
resources. If resources found, establish a 250-foot
archaeological resources (if present)
retained by SANDAG
buffer around receiver site and record with
to map and avoid
appropriate clearinghouse. Monitoring to occur
daily at SO-9 below 9 feet, SO-6, MB-1 below 12
feet and SS-1. Monitor on alternate days at SO-9
above 9 feet, SO-7, SO-5, and MB-1 above 12 feet
Monitor for possible historic resources. At SO-9 and
Identify any significant historic
During project construction
Qualified cultural resource consultant
SS-1 complete side-scan sonar to verify no historic
resources (if present) to map and
retained by SANDAG
targets. At SO-9 and MB-1 use diver or ROV to
verify targets are not historic resources. If resources
found, establish a 250-foot buffer and record with
appropriate clearinghouse
Water quality monitoring per RWQCB 401
Verify localized turbidity influence
During beach building as per RWQCB
Certification, if outside parameters then halt
and permit compliance
401 Certification
retained by SANDAG
Lagoon monitoring via transects, TIN maps, aerial
Determine project-related sediment
Twice annually for four years, with
Qualified hydrologic consultant
overflights, and research on other sand inputs
in lagoons or lagoon mouth closures
annual reports and one final report
retained by SANDAG
Mitigate for significant, long-term
Subsequent to resource agency review
for long-term significant impacts to marine
impacts to sensitive marine resources
of monitoring reports and
retained by SANDAG
caused by sediment transport
determination that significant impact
had occurred
Funding to be provided to current lagoon
Remove project-related sediment or
Subsequent to resource agency review
management entity to pay for dredging or mouth
open lagoon mouth
of monitoring reports and
determination that significant impact
had occurred
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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