2.0 Alternatives Considered
source and reduced sand volume, a similar monitoring program would be implemented for the Regional
Beach Sand Project. A mitigation commitment would also be necessary in case long-term, significant
impacts are identified during monitoring. This section describes the framework for monitoring and
mitigation for the Regional Beach Sand Project. The final details are most appropriately determined upon
selection of an alternative and negotiation of permit conditions with the resource agencies. Items such as
exact monitoring locations would depend on the alternative to be implemented.
Monitoring can be considered in terms of "during construction" and "post-construction." Monitoring during
construction would be required to verify that specified site-specific, resources are not adversely impacted
(e.g., grunion). Post-construction monitoring will be required to understand the long-term ramifications of
project implementation, which is especially pertinent because of the highly dynamic ocean system.
Monitoring During Construction
The three issues likely to require construction monitoring are turbidity, grunion, and underwater cultural
resources. In this phase, monitoring is used to identify problems and solutions in the immediate time frame,
mitigation would not be necessary once adjustments are made to correct the problem. Additionally,
SANDAG is committed to coordinating with commercial fishermen to avoid gear loss in the transit and
dredge areas. As described in Section 2.4.1, an observer would be aboard the dredge to document any
fishing gear in these areas and determine compensation responsibility if gear is lost. Other specifics of the
noticing procedure prior to and during construction are in that section.
Construction monitoring of water quality (i.e., potential turbidity impacts) will occur as directed by the
RWQCB 401 Certification of Waste Discharge Requirements and to support the predicted impact of
localized turbidity influence. The 401 permit will likely establish parameters for water quality at specified
distances from activity at the receiver sites and the borrow sites, and it will be necessary to perform
verification that water quality is within those parameters. The 401 Certification requirement will establish
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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