2.0 Alternatives Considered
Table 2-8
Summary of Design Features/Monitoring Commitments
Implementation Responsibility
Design Features
Construct longitudinal dikes at all receiver sites
Reduce nearshore turbidity
During beach-building
Construction contractor
Maintain project web site with current construction
Timely public notification
At present and continuing through
Issue Notice to Mariners and maintain 500-foot
Warn boaters/fishermen of dredging
Before and during dredging activities
Coast Guard (via construction
buffer around active dredge equipment
Restrict public access at receiver sites and maintain
Public safety during construction
During beach-building activities
Construction contractor, in
100-foot buffer around construction areas
coordination with local lifeguards
Relocation of temporary lifeguard towers
Public safety during construction
During beach-building activities
Construction contractor, in
coordination with local lifeguards
Sand placement to avoid blocking line-of-sight at
Public safety during construction
During beach-building activities
Construction contractor, in
permanent lifeguard towers
coordination with local lifeguards
Contain fill material during sand placement near
During beach-building activities
Construction contractor, in
storm drain outlets
coordination with City Engineer
Generate plan for hazardous spill containment
During beach building
Construction contractor
fuel leak, if any
Coordination with commercial fishermen;
Avoid gear conflicts and provide for
Before and during dredging operations
Coast Guard (via construction
establishment of offshore transit corridors in
compensation if loss occurs
contractor) and SANDAG
consultation with a commercial fishermen
notices into SANDAG website
Condition contractor to avoid traversing CDFG
Avoid direct impacts to artificial
Final engineering
Construction contractor
artificial reef areas near SO-9, SO-7, and MB-1 by
hopper dredge or discharge pipeline
Condition contractor to make landfall with discharge
Avoid direct impacts to Tijuana
Final engineering
Construction contractor
pipeline, or place mono buoy, north of Seacoast
Slough National Wildlife Refuge
Boulevard in Imperial Beach.
Design borrow sites to maintain adequate distance
Avoid direct impacts to artificial
Final engineering and during
Engineering contractor and
from artificial reefs, kelp, and other features
reefs and kelp
construction contractor
SO-9: 350-foot buffer from experimental artificial
reefs to the west and north
SO-7: 350-foot buffer to CDFG artificial reefs to
the east and 500 feet from kelp to southeast
SO-5: at least 3,000 feet from kelp to northeast
MB-1: dives sites at least 1,000 feet to the south
SS-1: kelp at least 3,000 feet to the north
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SANDAG EIREA 3.4.wpd 7/17/00