1.0 Introduction
the location, size and sound level of pumping activities and onshore heavy equipment should be
analyzed relative to the nearest sensitive receptors (residences)
include the time period for pumping activities
show location of any onshore staging areas and type of equipment/materials to be stored in these areas
odor assessments and concerns should be addressed
Areas of Special Concern to Commentors
Members of the public and agencies have expressed concern about the potential effects to biological
resources, coastal wetlands, commercial fisheries, water quality, and recreation. These concerns are
addressed in the project objectives and analyzed in detail in Chapter 4.0 (Environmental Consequences)
of this document.
The lead agency for this proposed action is SANDAG in cooperation with the Navy. The agencies listed
below have been coordinating with the lead agencies on the proposed action. Numerous representatives
of other non-agency interest groups have been contacted as part of project. A more detailed description
of the extensive agency and public coordination undertaken as part of this project is provided in Chapter
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
California Department of Boating and
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
City of Oceanside
National Marines Fisheries Service
City of Carlsbad
California Coastal Commission
City of Encinitas
California Department of Fish and Game
City of Solana Beach
California Department of Parks and
City of Del Mar
City of San Diego
California Regional Water Quality Control
City of Coronado
Board (San Diego, Region 9)
City of Imperial Beach
California State Lands Commission
County of San Diego
Port of San Diego
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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