1.0 Introduction
The Torrey Pines receiver site, located within the City of San Diego, is bordered by the Los Peasquitos
Lagoon and TorreyPines State Reserve. The receiver site, under the maximum length alternative, stretches
for approximately 2,470 feet (0.5 mile) and is located on Torrey Pines State Beach. The beach is a gently
sloping thin sand beach with scattered cobbles and high bluffs along Torrey Pines State Reserve. During
high tide, waves crash against the bluffs along the southern portion of the receiver site. There is also rip-rap
in some areas to protect North Torrey Pines Road from storm wave action.
The Mission Beach receiver site, also within the City of San Diego, is north of the Mission Bay Entrance
Channel. Under the maximum length alternative, the proposed receiver site extends approximately 2,380
feet (0.5 mile) from Ostend Court to Santa Barbara Place and is a gently sloping, relatively wide sandy
beach. The Boardwalk abuts the proposed receiver site.
The Imperial Beach receiver site is adjacent to the Tijuana Slough National Wildlife Park and
predominantly residential development. The receiver site, under the maximum length alternative, extends
for approximately 3,470 feet (0.7 mile) from Imperial Beach Boulevard to approximately 1,000 feet south
of Encanto Avenue. The northern end of the receiver site, from Imperial Beach Boulevard to Beach
Avenue, has some sand and cobble, but south of Beach Avenue the beach consists entirely of cobble.
All of the proposed borrow sites are surrounded by ocean water; the primary recreational activities
occurring nearby are boating, sailing, and diving pursuits.
To identify key issues and concerns relevant to the scope of the EIR/EA, SANDAG and the Navy
encouraged participation in the environmentalreview process from public agencies, special interest groups,
and the general public. A major component of this process is public scoping. Scoping is a public process
designed to determine the breadth of issues to be addressed in the EIR/EA. The different aspects of the
public scoping discussed in this section include the Notice of Preparation (NOP), and areas of controversy
identified as a result of public scoping.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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