1.0 Introduction
Notice of Preparation (NOP)
Both NEPA and CEQA regulations require an early and open process for determining the scope of issues
that should be addressed prior to implementation of a proposed action. SANDAG initiated the 30-day
scoping process on April 21, 1999. NEPA does not require public notification for preparation of an EA.
The NOP provides formal notification to all federal, state, and local agencies involved with funding or
approval of the project, and to other interested organizations and members of the public, that an EIR/EA
will be prepared for the project. The NOP is intended to encourage interagency communication concerning
the proposed action and provide sufficient background information about the proposed action so that
agencies, organizations, and individuals can respond with specific comments and questions on the scope
and content of the EIR/EA. As part of the NOP, an Initial Study was prepared. Copies of the NOP and
Initial Study are included in Appendix B.
Comments Received During Scoping
During the 30-day public scoping period, a total of 17 written comment letters were received. All are
reproduced in Appendix B. Various issues raised during this process are summarized below by topic.
Description of Proposed Action and Alternatives
need more information on timing of the proposed action
clear description of project including schedule for beach replenishment
need more information on how the construction training dikes will operate
the proposed dikes should include design dimensions as well as construction and removal details
indicate how offshore activity and piping will meet Coast Guard, U.S. Marine Corps, and navigational
Coastal Wetlands
clearly describe potential impacts to all coastal wetlands
include a description of any monitoring programs at coastal lagoons
impacts from accumulation of sediments at lagoon inlets and creek and river outlets should be
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SANDAG EIREA 3.4.wpd 7/17/00