1.0 Introduction
include a table listing potential lengths of closure for each affected beach
environmental impacts of the two different dredge types should be addressed
identify the need for coastal development permits from the California Coastal Commission for both
dredging and disposal activities
impacts to artificial reef site off of Mission Beach should be addressed
address as applicable the potential impacts to County of Orange Coastal Regional Recreation Facilities
as a result of littoral drift, water quality impacts, and marine biology, with appropriate mitigation
recreation impacts to beach users should be addressed
the discharge pipe network including submerged and floating segments should be mapped to assess
impacts to recreational beach and surf zone uses
no construction should occur during special events at receiver sites
if nighttime pumping or lighting on the beach is contemplated, please include an analysis of potential
impacts to residents and conformance with the City of Oceanside Light Pollution Ordinance
impacts to the livelihood of the San Diego region fishing community engaged in the commercial fisheries
of lobster, urchin, sheephead, and/or shrimp should be addressed
turbidity effects on sea urchin industry fisheries should be addressed
Public Health and Safety
the transition from offshore to onshore piping should be in a location and manner that meets public
safety, emergency access, and public access needs
the sand discharge area needs to be staffed at all times and warning signs placed appropriately
address impacts to lifeguard services
evaluate construction and dredging/discharge equipment noise impacts
include a noise analysis of the sand pumping operation
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SANDAG EIREA 3.4.wpd 7/17/00