Stauble and Tabar
Figure 18. Representative profile monitoring of the Cape May Point, New Jersey, Beachsaver site. (a) Profile B in Cell 2, Profile G in Cell 3, and Control
Cell 4 Profile L (after Herrington et al., 1997).
gain was measured on the eastern side of the groin compart-
ment. Since the volume gain was less than the west cell the
Crest elevations of the Beachsaver units remained rela-
main sand accretion was found in the nearshore over an area
tively constant with average settlement of around 15.2 cm (6
76.2 m (250 ft) landward of the reef.
inches) over the two-year monitoring (HERRINGTON et al.,
The control area west of the Coral Avenue groin, without
1997). Both lateral and vertical stability appear to be main-
the Beachsaver Reef, had a volume loss of around 343 cu m
tained over the study. A layer of medium to fine sand was on
(448 cu yd) between May 1994 and May 1995. The loss trend
top of a layer of fine sand and mud. The use of a filter cloth
continued the next year with a loss of 310 cu m (405 cu yd)
and geotextile mattress appeared to limit settling. The units
of sand. The two-year total volume change in this cell was a
in Cell 2 were initially placed at MLW and settled less that
loss of 660 cu m (863 cu yd), with most of the loss on the
the units in Cell 3, which were placed around 0.5 m ( 1.5
western side of the cell and between the dune base and 61 m
ft) MLW (Figure 20).
(200 ft) offshore (HERRINGTON et al., 1997).
Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2003