A final, increasingly valuable
at the FRF. Many of these have now
aspect of FRF activities is the ongo-
been accomplished, some more
ing collection of long-time series of
than once. Relevant among the
This paper has reviewed the
beach variability at a representative
remaining studies is the movement
capabilities and progress of the Field
of nearshore placed material for
nearshore site. Only in the last
Research Facility, established by the
beach nourishment, an experiment
decade has the existence and
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in
that is presently being discussed.
importance of interannual beach
1977 to support their coastal
Many topics not on the original list
changes become apparent (Wijnberg
research requirements. Through the
are now feasible to study owing to
and Terwindt 1995; Plant et al.
unique combination of facilities, vehi-
new instruments and technologies.
1999). Bathymetry and wave records
cles, long-term measurements, staff
Some subjects are wave breaking,
from the FRF are one of only three
expertise, and a large and energetic
sediment transport (to include size
long data records worldwide
community of users, the original
fractional rates), and the influence of
(Aarninkhof and Holman 1999;
objectives of the FRF creators have
Wijnberg and Terwindt 1995) with
been exceeded. If anything, the first
tributing technologies include acous-
which these phenomena can be
23 years of the FRF have shown
tic current meters, digital video cam-
that, although much has been
eras, small rotary side-scan sonars,
explained, even more remains to be
Data Access
learned. Our experience has been
and new sediment transport sen-
that improvements in observations
FRF data have always been
sors. High-resolution and spatially
usually challenge our existing under-
accessible. For many years, the
extensive remote sensing techniques
standing and raises new questions
data were published in series of
are being developed which require
to be answered. The process of dis-
monthly preliminary data summaries
verification with good ground truth
covery is incremental, not easily
and annual reports (Leffler et al.
data. These techniques, combined
rushed, and is continuing in Duck,
1998). Association of the FRF with
with the expertise of the FRF, will
NC at the U.S. Army Corps of Engi-
universities had an added benefit in
also be useful as the Corps'
neers' Field Research Facility.
1994 when researchers from the
research program shifts to focus on
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
questions related to the regional
created the first FRF Web site to
management of sediment.
distribute information and data
The role of the FRF continues to
during DUCK94. The Web site
evolve. It will be part of the new
quickly became the principle mecha-
Preparation of this paper was
Integrated Ocean Observing System
nism for distributing observations
supported by the Field Research
developing under the auspices of
and video imagery in real time,
Facility Measurement and Analysis
the National Oceanographic Partner-
along with historic data. Most FRF
Work Unit of the U.S. Army Corps of
ship Program (http://www.nopp.org)
data are now available online includ-
Engineers' Coastal Field Data Col-
and the Ocean.US office
ing the major data sets from
lection Program. Preparation of the
(http://www.ocean.us.net). This pro-
DELILAH and DUCK94. Printable
research summary and the list of
gram is helping to integrate the
versions of the monthly reports,
FRF citations was supported by the
ocean research interests of 14 Fed-
climatalogical summaries of FRF
Office of Naval Research through
eral agencies and recognizes the
data, descriptions of instruments,
base funding of the Naval Research
value of data from facilities like the
and information about the facilities,
Laboratory. Mr. Curt Mason, the first
FRF to support the general knowl-
vehicles and equipment are also
Chief of the FRF, is recognized for
edge of the ocean along with provid-
available. The FRF Web site
his vision and guidance in develop-
ing the wide spatial observations
(http://frf.usace.army.mil) has been
ing the facility and its research pro-
required for regional and global
very successful and currently aver-
gram. Permission to publish this
ocean models. The 23-year-long
ages 5,700 users per month.
information was granted by the Chief
FRF data set will allow new, climatic
The Web site also serves the
of Engineers.
change questions to be addressed
public providing real-time ocean con-
and the interannual variability in
ditions and a "virtual" tour of the
coastal dynamics and morphology to
facility. Many visitors get an up-close
be studied. The national value of
look at the FRF by taking one of the
sites such as the FRF is being rec-
well-attended summer tours or visit-
ognized (Woods Hole Oceano-
Aarninkhof, S., and Holman, R. A.
ing with a group. The FRF is also a
graphic Institution 2000) and a new
(1999). "Monitoring the nearshore
popular stop for coastal field trips
consortium of East Coast facilities is
with video," Backscatter 10(2),
along the Outer Banks for everyone
developing to share data and
from third graders to graduate stu-
dents and science teachers.
Baer, L., and Vincent, C. L. (1983).
"Atlantic Remote-Sensing Land
Future Activities
Ocean Experiment (ARSLOE)
Overview," IEEE Journal of Oce-
Mason (1979) compiled a list of
anic Engineering 8(4), 201-205.
29 potential studies to be conducted