Figure 9. DUCK94 primary cross-shore instrument array being serviced. Unlike during DUCK85 (Figure 8), to provide
continuous coverage even during storms, sediment-transport measurements during DUCK94 and SandyDuck were made
with in situ instruments
have been published, and using
towards resolving difficult research
These studies are always interesting
FRF data by more than 200 authors
questions. For example, there have
because they present new chal-
representing 42 separate organiza-
been a number of publications
lenges, broaden the FRF's logistic
tions and 16 different nationalities.
(including Birkemeier 1984;
experience, and often introduce new
Lippmann and Holman 1993; Larson
sandbar systems, beach cusps, bed
and Kraus 1994; Plant et al. 1999)
forms, bottom boundary layers,
pertaining to nearshore profile evolu-
coastal structures, directional spec-
tion data collected by the CRAB
Impact on Research
tra, edge waves, experiment sum-
(Figure 10). Another significant
maries, equipment descriptions,
series of publications relating to
facility guides, infragravity motions,
shear waves (Figure 11) can be
The Field Research Facility has
morphodynamics, sediment trans-
traced to their observation by
played a significant role in the
port, shear waves, surface gravity
Oltman-Shay et al. (1989) during
advancement of nearshore science
waves, swash processes, and
SUPERDUCK. Shear waves are
as evidenced by the number of pub-
wind-driven flows. A listing of these
generated by a shear instability of
lications pertaining to research con-
publications is available online at
the mean longshore current. Simi-
larly, over a dozen articles have
bibliographic references indicates
been published establishing the use-
that more publications have been
fulness of video (Figure 12) for
Many of these publications serve
written describing observations
making long-term, spatially extensive
as primary references in the topics
obtained at Duck than for any other
measurements of sand bar behavior
of nearshore oceanography and
coastal facility worldwide. In addition
(starting with Lippmann and Holman
coastal engineering (several papers
to the hundreds of conference pre-
1990) and beach profiles (e.g.,
have been cited more than 40
sentations given, approximately 150
Holman et al. 1991; Plant and
times). Others stand as creative or
journal articles, 108 reports, and 84
Holman 1997; Stockdon and Holman
innovative applications of technology
conference Proceedings papers