-- General information file, text format.
Contains required input
control parameters for CGWAVE.
-- CGWAVE and "trans" input data file.
Created by program
-- CGWAVE wave potential output file. Input to program "trans"
-- Text output file created by trans. Contains general information
about the project modeled, CGWAVE input parameters, solution
status and complete output of x,y depth, amplitude and phase at
each node in text format.
-- Solution output file created by program "trans". Contains
information about computed amplitude, phase and kinematics. May
be read by SMS for graphic presentation of the solution. ASCII
text format.
-- User created input file for program "trans" which provides
information about selected node ids, points, lines
and rectangular sub-regions where output is desired.
-- Selected locations output file created by program "trans".
-- Floating dock solution output created by program "trans".
relevance only if there is a floating dock inside the computational
domain. Velocity potential output is available in this sub-domain,
which may be further used (outside CGWAVE) to calculate forces
and moments.
-- Animated film loop for view of variations in amplitude and phase
with time. For use in SMS.
7.2 Raw Data Processing Program "resol"
Grid resolution is dependent on the local water depth. In general, 10 or more
nodes per (local) wavelength are desired. In most cases, a large number of extra nodal
points must be created over the raw data points to satisfy the resolution requirements.
Hence it is desirable to have these points generated before using SMS to create a finite