Step. 4. CGWAVE input parameters are specified. These parameters include:
incident wave condition, nonlinear mechanisms (wave breaking, bottom friction and
nonlinear dispersion), choice of solvers, choice of open boundary condition, iteration
control parameters, etc.
Step 5. All relative information needed for input to the model is consolidated into
a single input file. This processing is done by program "reform".
Step 6. Run the wave model and obtain an output wave potential file.
Step 7. Process the output file (using program "trans") to obtain amplitude, phase
and kinematics solution files.
Step 8. Use SMS to view various solution images using a variety of contouring
7.1 File Descriptions
The following files contain source code for the CGWAVE modeling package:
-- Fortran source code of CGWAVE.
-- Template of the general information file.
-- Fortran source code of reform.
-- Fortran source code of resol.
-- Fortran source code of trans.
Given below is a list of example files for application of CGWAVE. Although one
can use any name for them, the following convention is used throughout this manual. It is
also recommended that the user follow this convention for simplicity and consistency.
-- File to be imported to SMS and to be used by program "resol".
Contains (x,y,depth) data describing the bathymetry.
-- Boundary condition file created by SMS.
filename.geo -- Geometry file created by SMS.