CGWAVE is an efficient and easy-to-use wave model. Although more advanced
features are anticipated to evolve in the future, the current version is sufficiently user-
friendly and can provide the base information for shallow water wave propagation and
transformation for harbor/coastal problems or offshore open sea problems.
information provided by this model can be further used to calculate wave forces on
structures, stability of breakwaters, sediment/pollutant transport and can be used to assist
harbor/coastal protection structure design.
In this section of the manual, step-by-step instructions are given for use of
CGWAVE. The procedure outlined here pertains to the usage of CGWAVE as stand-
alone (i.e. outside SMS); this usage is referred to as MODE-1. MODE-1 usage does
require the use of SMS for some procedures. A similar, automated procedure is available
within SMS, and is referred to as MODE-2. After successful installation of CGWAVE
and SMS, the user can proceed with applications of CGWAVE. In general, the MODE-1
application of CGWAVE consists of eight steps:
Step 1. After a region for simulation has been chosen, a file containing (x,y,z
where z = depth) data in rectangular fashion may be created from a map or other data
base. The input file format is described in detail in section 7.2.2 of this manual and in the
File Formats section of the SMS Reference Manual.
Step 2. The raw data gathered in Step 1 is processed by the program "resol".
Coastal and open boundaries are defined and most extraneous data is eliminated.
Wavelength dependent resolution is established, and the revised (x,y,z) data set is
presented for constructing the finite element grid.
Step 3.
The finite element grid is constructed using SMS, and boundary
conditions are assigned to the open and coastal boundaries.