Sources of Error
Calculations based on elemental properties
Has an accumulative average over the water column
Calculations based on nodal properties
Directly assigns a bottom shear stress
When Boundary Conditions change
No Off Channel Storage Concentration Bookkeeping
No Auto-Roughness capability in SED2D
Basic Operation
SED2D WES is written in the FORTRAN programming language. It must be
compiled prior to execution time. The assignment of file names for all of the input
and output files required by the program is accomplished interactively.
SED2D may read and write several files during a simulation. The number and type
of files depends upon choices you have made about how the simulation will run and
what type of information you want to see in the results.
A SED2D WES run control file is always required. This is the "card image" input
for SED2D WES described in this document. The other file choices must be
specified within the run control file (see the description of the $L cards).
Files used by SED2D fall into two basic format categories: ascii and binary. Files
created by the user (such as the SED2D WES run control file) are usually created
with an editor and consequently use the ASCII character set. These files can be
transferred back and forth from one computer to another. This is convenient when a
28 Using SED2D
Users Guide To SED2D-WES