SED2D Run Control File
The SED2D run control file consists of a set of text or ascii data supplied by the
modeler. This file is always required.
Geometry File
The mesh geometry, which SED2D will use, is normally defined in a binary file
It is possible to code the
produced by the Geometry File Generation program, GFGEN. This mesh geometry
entire mesh in the SED2D run
file consists of the nodes and elements that define the size, shape, and bathymetry of
control file. However, this is
the study area.
highly discouraged. The
ability to code mesh geometry
SED2D will not read a text, or ASCII, type file as input for the mesh geometry. If
forSED2D is intended for
you do not have a binary geometry file, and you do not want to code the mesh
making minor geometry
geometry in the SED2D run control file, you must run GFGEN to obtain the
modifications when testing a
geometry file before running SED2D. The $L card is used to include the geometry
proposed change to the mesh.
file in the simulation run.
Hydrodynamic File
The hydrodyanamic input, which SED2D will use, is normally defined in a binary
It is possible to code the
file produced by the TABS-MD depth averaged hydrodynamic model, RMA2. This
entire mesh in the SED2D run
binary solution file consists of the u-, and v-velocity components, water depth, water
control file. However, this is
surface elevation, and wet/dry status at each node within the computational domain.
highly discouraged. The
This data set may be either steady state or time varying.
ability to code mesh geometry
forSED2D is intended for
SED2D will not read a text, or ASCII, type file as input for the hydrodaynmics. If
making minor geometry
you do not have a binary hydrodynamic RMA2 file, and you do not want to code the
modifications when testing a
values in the SED2D run control file, you must run RMA2 to obtain the u-,v-,h-
proposed change to the mesh.
hydrodynamic solution file before running SED2D. The $L card is used to include
the RMA2 hydrodynamic solution file in the simulation run.
Wave binary solution file
Output File Description
There are numerous input files required for SED2D. Table 2 shows the required and
optional output data files for SED2D WES. Although this may seem overly
complex, the typical SED2D simulation would require only a small subset of these
Table 2: Standard Output Files
Using SED2D 31
Users Guide To SED2D-WES