Appendix H). In some cases, modifications to the SAM.hyd-created ".si" file
may be necessary before sediment transport calculations can be made.
The sample data sets used in the input and output discussions are those
provided with the SAM package in the SEDPC.LIB files.
Program execution
The sediment transport calculations are made in SAMwin from the "Solve"
button on the input screen, Figure 7.2, or from the "Run" dropdown menu on the
opening screen, Figure 7.1. This second option is useful if a ready-to-run data set
Selected output will scroll to the screen. The output coming to this window
cannot be selected by the user. All output will be saved in the default output
Figure 7.2. Sediment transport calculations input screen.
Title Records.
This area allows the user to input descriptive strings, up to 78 characters long,
for use in identifying data sets. This input is optional.
Chapter 7
Input Requirements and Program Output for SAM.sed