7 Input Requirements and
Program Output for SAM.sed
SAM.sed calculates sediment discharge rating curves for the bed material load
using sediment transport functions. The input and output vary only insofar as
different functions are selected. This chapter will address the input data
requirements and discuss the associated output. Be aware that there is an option,
SAM.aid (under Tools on the SAMwin main menu) that can provide guidance in
the selection of sediment transport functions.
The SAM.sed module expects an input file designated as xxxxxxxx.si, where x
can be any DOS acceptable character, including a space (but no embedded
spaces), i.e., acceptable file names could be say.si or ITSNEVER.SI. SAM.sed
will write a corresponding file xxxxxxxx.so, which is the sediment transport
calculation's output file; and a xxxxxxxx..yi file which may be used as an input
file to SAM.yld.
Figure 7.1. Accessing the Sediment Transport Input screens.
SAM.hyd generally creates a ".si" file. The ".si" file can be created or edited
in SAMwin as shown in Figure 7.1. A sediment transport input file can also be
created or edited using a system editor, or, in a DOS window only, by using
SAM.m95 in combination with a TAPE95 from an HEC-2 execution (see
Chapter 7
Input Requirements and Program Output for SAM.sed