from an MS-DOS prompt window by typing the program name including the
filepath, e.g.,
The user then interactively types in answers on the keyboard in response to
questions posed by the program. Default answers shown in square brackets [...]
can be selected by hitting the enter key.
Step 1. Simulation Parameter File
Enter the name of the output simulation parameter file (.par)
Step 2. Bathymetric Information
Enter the name of the bathymetry file (.grd)
Enter storm surge/tidal water level offset in meters
Step 3. Damping Information
Enter name of damping file (.grd) if there are damping regions in the
computational domain
Step 4. Porous Structure Information
Enter the following information if there is a porous structure in the computational
Name of porosity file (.grd)
Characteristic stone size in porous layer (m)
Step 5. Wave Generation Boundaries
Waves may be generated along one or two boundaries. The boundaries may be
external (along boundary of computational grid) or internal (within the
computational grid). Internal wave generation boundaries have to be parallel to
one of the grid boundaries.
For each wave generation boundary, enter the following information:
Type of Wave Generation Boundary (External/Internal)
For External Wave Generation Boundary
Select grid boundary (North, East, South, or West)
If generation line exists over part of the boundary, enter the coordinates
of the start and end points.
For Internal Wave Generation Boundary
Enter orientation of wave generation line (East-West or North-South)
Enter the x or y coordinate of wave generation line
If generation line exists over part of boundary, enter the coordinates of
the start and end points.
Step 6. Incident Wave Information
Along wave generation boundaries, BOUSS-2D requires the horizontal velocities
uα(t) and flux densities uf(t) normal to the boundary at each time-step. The time-
histories may correspond to regular or irregular, unidirectional or multidirectional
waves. The velocity and flux time series can either be synthesized from para-
metric information (wave height, period, etc.) or derived from an input
Chapter 4 Setting Up and Running BOUSS-2D