Setting Up and Running
BOUSS-2D is a high-resolution wave model designed for investigating com-
plex wave transformation problems over small regions (1-5 km). It is ideally
are significant such as near coastal inlets and harbors. For wave propagation over
large open areas where the processes of wind-wave generation, shoaling and
refraction are dominant, phase-averaged models such as STWAVE (Smith,
Sherlock, and Resio 2001) should be used. For periodic harbor oscillations,
frequency-domain models such as the elliptic mild-slope model CGWAVE
(Demirbilek and Panchang 1998) should be used since time-domain models take
longer than frequency-domain models to attain steady-state conditions.
Overview of Model Setup
The basic steps involved in setting up and running BOUSS-2D are:
a. Collect ancillary data such as bathymetric data and wave climate
b. Select portion of the ocean to be covered by the numerical model and
prepare 2-D rectangular grids containing information on the:
(1) Seabed elevations over the computational area.
(2) Damping values for the absorption of outgoing waves at model
(3) Porosity values if porous structures such as breakwaters are inside
the computational domain (optional).
(4) Tidal current distribution over the computational area (optional).
c. Create a simulation parameter file that contains all the information
required to run the model. This can be done using the DOS-based
interactive program Pre-BOUSS2D or other Windows-based programs.
d. Run the BOUSS-2D model.
e. Analyze the model output and plot the results.
Chapter 4 Setting Up and Running BOUSS-2D