α2 1
u f ( xg , t ) = [h + η( xg , t )]uα ( xg , t ) + h 2 - (uαxx ( xg , t ) + vαxy ( xg , t ))
2 6
cos k j ⋅ ( xg - xr ) - ω jt + ε j
η( xg , t ) =
uαxx ( xg , t ) = -∑ a j k 2 cos3 θ cos k j ⋅ ( xg - xr ) - ω jt + ε j
j =1
ναxy ( xg , t ) = -∑ a j k 2 sin 2 θ cos θ cos k j ⋅ ( xg - xr ) - ω j t + ε j
For highly nonlinear irregular waves in shallow water1, the velocity boundary
conditions would have to be modified to take into account the presence of lower
and higher frequency wave components induced by nonlinear interactions
between the primary wave components. Second-order Boussinesq theory can be
used to generate the velocities and flux densities associated with the bound
second-order waves along the wave generation boundary. However, this theory is
valid over a limited range of wave steepnesses (H/L) and relative depths (h/L)
because it only includes second-harmonic terms. Second-order Stokes theory, for
example, cannot accurately describe the shape of cnoidal-type waves in shallow
water when the Ursell parameter (HL2/h3) is large.
A different approach to generating steep irregular waves in shallow water is
the nonlinear Fourier method of Osborne (1997), in which an irregular wave train
is represented as a superposition of nonlinear cnoidal or solitary type waves. This
approach, however, has not yet been implemented in BOUSS-2D.
Irregular Multidirectional Waves. Naturally occurring ocean waves exhibit
a pattern that varies randomly not only in time but also in space. The wave
energy is distributed over both frequency and direction and can be described in
terms of a directional wave spectrum, Sη(ω,θ), which is the product of the fre-
quency spectrum, Sη(ω), and a directional spreading function D(ω,θ):
Sη (ω, θ)
Sη (ω)D(ω, θ)
The directional spreading function is non-negative and should satisfy the follow-
ing relation:
D(ω, θ)
A useful guideline is Hmo/Lp > 0.025 tanh kph, where Hmo is the significant wave height, and Lp
Chapter 3 Numerical Solution